Broadband Training Program for
Veterans Returns
Broadband Training Program for
Veterans Returns
In November, 2016, 4.8% of all U.S. veterans were unemployed. Meanwhile, a report from the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that on the last day of October 2016, there were 5.5 million jobs available.

“There are literally millions of jobs looking for qualified workers,” said Congressman Stutzman. The Congressman, who made his remarks during a hearing of the Veteran’s Affairs Committee, explains that the problem facing our veterans is not so much a lack of jobs but a lack of veterans that possess the skills currently in demand.
One industry facing a chronic shortage of trained workers is telecom. Johnathan Adelstein, President and CEO of WIA (The Wireless Infrastructure Association) and former FCC Commissioner sized up the situation best when he said, “Our Industry has emerged so quickly that education and training efforts have not kept up. Unlike electricians or plumbers, for example, whose craft developed slowly over many decades and whose technology evolved slowly, the wireless industry grew up virtually overnight and is changing by the minute.”
Each increment of growth in bandwidth opens the door to better, faster communications technology that can be accessed by an increasing number of potential consumers.
Unfortunately, the critical shortage of broadband technicians has left many telecoms scrambling to keep up with demand. This situation is expected to be exacerbated by the roll out of ultra-fast connections, new equipment upgrades and the deployment of 5G. Fortuitously there is a workforce available to help alleviate the critical shortage of broadband technicians. They are adaptable, dependable, hardworking problem solvers that work well under pressure and are driven to “get the job done.”
The Write Idea in Detroit, Michigan is committed to helping veterans learn how to work for the telecom and broadband industry by providing them with free training services. Veterans possess many traits that make them desirable employees. If your company will consider hiring our trained veterans to fill your need for broadband/wireless technicians, we will provide financial assistance with the cost of training and equipment.
The critical shortage of broadband technicians represents an incredible opportunity for employers to reach out to our returning servicemen and help them successfully reintegrate into society while gaining a valuable employee.
Let’s work together to create a program that will help alleviate the shortage of qualified broadband technicians, reduce your training costs and place hundreds of veterans into well-paying careers.